A unique team for a unique Company
Talent • Dreams • Creativity
Our team is a surreal blend of talents and crafts, which combined are a perfect combination to create and design video games. History, engineer, art and architecture are just a sample of what we are and what we bring to the table in order to develop great ideas at service of video games.
Manuel Píriz
UC Journalist and craft gamer. Lvl 6 Human Rogue
Benjamín Píriz
CFO and UC Engineer with a Finance Master from ESADE. Lvl 5 Ranger

Chito Piriz
CEO. Storyteller and Master in Medieval History from King´s College London. Dungeon Master.
Carlos Semper
Lead Artist. Graphic Designer from Inacap. Lvl 6 Half-Elf Bard
Martín León
2D/3D Animator. Architect from Universidad de Chile. Lvl 5 Dwarf Warrior

Martín Vidal
Senior Programmer. UC Engineer. Lvl 6 Human Paladin